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【About non-Japanese driver’s permit (translation document in Japanese)】

For those posse driving permit of Switzerland, Germany, France, Taiwan, Belgium, Estonia and Monaco, please obtain a “Translated documents into Japanese” based on your original permit.

Driving permit for non Japanese (Japanese translated documents) can be obtained in the following organization.
●The organization who issued the original permit, or the embassy/consular office of the  issuing country located in Japan
●Taiwan Japan Relations Association for those Taiwan permits.
●Japan Automobile Federation(JAF)


Driver’s permit for non Japanese (Japanese translated documents) itself alone is not valid in Japan. Please make sure that you carry your original driving permit with you together. Without either of these two permits, you can NOT rent a motorcycle NOR ride as a driver in Japan. In case you have to cancel your reservation due to the lack of insufficient documentation, you may result in paying cancellation penalty, so please keep it in your mind.


<Driving permit translation agency>
We, TOURINX JAPAN can be your agent to get your driving permit translated into Japanese by JAF with extra cost. Please inquire us for this service.
